2012년 2월 18일 토요일

Personal Thoughts about Wal-mart

Before dealing with the topic about Wal-mart in Mr. Garrioch's class, I never knew that there are some markets called Wal-mart in America, which is similar to E-mart of Korea. I actually had no information about it, which means I can have mutual stance before I gather information, and can make a stance.
During the research, some of my roommates told me that Wal-mart failed in Korea, while it's the best discount store in US. I was impressed. Usually, big companies, more likely to be corporations, didn't fail in Korea. Such as Microsoft, Apple, HP, etc. What reason made them to fail in Korea? That was my first question and I would like to start from it.

Though Wal-mart had enough money and elegant system, those strong points became obstacles when they were in Korea.
The reason why they were unsuccessful in Korea was, the quality of their products. In the case of E-mart, they provide high quality goods in low price, but now lowest price. If we go to E-mart, we can see many high price clothes such as North Face, or Cnepa. However, in the case of Wal-mart, they have clothes that fits well with their prices. Though Koreans like cheap stuffs, they want high quality goods.
Though with these obstacles in Korea, they succeeded in America, and brute some serious problems.

I don't care on which way did Wal-mart succeed in US, I don't like it.

The first reason why I hate them is they give negative affect to small shopkeepers. Though Wal-mart have low quality, they also have low prices, which make ordinary people to go. As people go to Wal-mart, small shops lose their customers and incomes. The best example is my home town. My home town, Hanam city, nearby Seoul Metropolitan, it's half rural(farms, mountains, river, etc) and half urban. Our hometown's population is only about to 150,000. However, as the city grown, hypermarkets and discount stores started to come in. In this small city, we have Home Plus and E-mart. People started to go to those hypermarkets, rather than going to small supermarkets in town or traditional form of markets in old section of a city. As customers move to hypermarkets, small shopkeepers lose their customers, and they started discount to sell products in same price with other hypermarkets. In summer, the supermarket in front of my home sold ice-cream in 40% of production cost. Few supermarkets were closed. This effect is called Straw Effect, which make local economy to collapse. Somehow it's also called “Walmertization”.

The second reason why I hate them is because their employees paid less than average of workers in industrial area. Though Wal-mart says they are hiring people like a family, they pay 9 dollars per hour, while other industries pay 22 dollars per hour. Also, they hire coloured people, women, and hire them as temporary position. As they employee people as temporary position, they can fire them anytime they want. Paid lower than other jobs and have high possibility of being fired, but work a lot. This is pretty problematic for employees.

The final reason is the problem between subcontractor and Wal-mart. The clothes and other stuffs are made in Southeastern Asia, or South Asia, Africa to keep the lowest price in the country. However, there once had a accusation in Saipan. The problem was infirngement. Confinement, beating, maltreatment, overworking; those were conducted by subcontractors of Wal-mart and other discount stores and hypermarkets. When the accusation was triggered, among 10 defendants, Wal-mart was the very first defendant.

Those are the reasons why I can’t prefer Wal-mart. Though they are claiming to manage employees like a family, they pay less than average, they make employees to work more, and their subcontractors treat employees like a slave. Also, the problem in local economy occurred by Wal-mart is serious, and even called ‘walmartization.’ Concerning those stuffs, though Wal-mart is comfortable to use, it’d be better to regulate and something must be done by.

2012년 2월 14일 화요일

Ode to Boeing B737

Dear B737, who will flying somewhere in E class
the B737, flying somewhere in the sky of class E

It was January 27th of 2003, the first day I met you. It was the beginning of my holiday, my trip to Jeju Island. On the way to the airport, I saw so many airplanes more than I'd even seen before, outside of book. We saw each other before boarding. You were wearing a clean blue uniform and had the Korean Air’s logo on your tail. Of course, it was my first flight, and your imposing paint also made me agitated.
When I got inside you, you were making the slight and soft sound of an engine, which made me even more agitated. The sound of your engines meant my first flight would start soon.
Slowly, you moved your body to taxi the runway, and you stopped there for seconds. You said, “Korean Air, Kilo Echo One Two One Five, cleared for taxi.” Then you started to charge. Then you said “Ready for take off.” And you just motioned your head up, and started to climb8. I was so impressed. Until the moment, the fastest transportation I ever took was my father’s car. The sound you made before the take off, soft engines and harsh crossing winds. It was so exciting.

However, the time I could spend with you was too short. Your fast speed and short distance was the problem. I was feeling the freedom of watching clouds , and tiny villages below, and suddenly we were 3000 feet above the sea. Unfortunately, there were no traffic jams, so we landed as soon as we got to class C. Our first flight finished in 1 hour and 15 minutes. The second flight, the way back to Gimpo from Jeju, I was too tired to enjoy your company, so I slept. 
The Class of Sky (airplanes have their own class to fly over)

With you, I was able to know the freedom and fun of flight. Finally, I told my parents that I wanted to be a pilot when I grew up. My parents worried about it, and I didn’t know why. As I went to middle school, I figured out that I have bad sight, have nearsightedness, and astigmatism. So, I gave up my dream to get a CPL and work in Korean Air, and started to live a normal life; study as much as I can.

I figured out that my true dream was to flight, not teaching students in University and do research. I tried to find out the way to become a pilot. However, the reality was harsh. Sorry to you, I found out that the only way to flight is to get a PPL and fly with Propeller plane such as Cessna. Tough I can’t have a real flight with you, I’m meeting you through the flight simulator.

After graduation, I’m going to get a PPL, and have a flight with Cessna. However, it was you that enabled me to find what I want to do, and gave some hope to me not to give up my dream. Every time I see you on photo or simulator, you remind my memories and feel thankful to you.*/
But, I truly love flight. The feeling of freedom after naviagting 2km of runway and take off. The villages and cities I can see, rivers, lakes, mountains, crops, sea, the clouds below me, night scenes of airports and metropolis cities, the thrill when the craft wobbles, the sound of scratching winds with spoilers, the feeling of rocking when we land, everything I can feel during the flight is so satisfying and exciting to me. Maybe among them, the freedom I can feel when I strive through white clouds and blue sky. 

I’ve been to many cities and countries with you; Hanoi in Vietnam, Osaka and Fukuoka in Japan, Beijing and Tianjin, Kunming in China, London, Amsterdam, Rome, Vientiane in Laos, Phnom Penh in Cambodia, Jeju, Incheon, Gimpo… Every time I have a flight with you, you give me freedom and joy.