2012년 2월 14일 화요일

Ode to Boeing B737

Dear B737, who will flying somewhere in E class
the B737, flying somewhere in the sky of class E

It was January 27th of 2003, the first day I met you. It was the beginning of my holiday, my trip to Jeju Island. On the way to the airport, I saw so many airplanes more than I'd even seen before, outside of book. We saw each other before boarding. You were wearing a clean blue uniform and had the Korean Air’s logo on your tail. Of course, it was my first flight, and your imposing paint also made me agitated.
When I got inside you, you were making the slight and soft sound of an engine, which made me even more agitated. The sound of your engines meant my first flight would start soon.
Slowly, you moved your body to taxi the runway, and you stopped there for seconds. You said, “Korean Air, Kilo Echo One Two One Five, cleared for taxi.” Then you started to charge. Then you said “Ready for take off.” And you just motioned your head up, and started to climb8. I was so impressed. Until the moment, the fastest transportation I ever took was my father’s car. The sound you made before the take off, soft engines and harsh crossing winds. It was so exciting.

However, the time I could spend with you was too short. Your fast speed and short distance was the problem. I was feeling the freedom of watching clouds , and tiny villages below, and suddenly we were 3000 feet above the sea. Unfortunately, there were no traffic jams, so we landed as soon as we got to class C. Our first flight finished in 1 hour and 15 minutes. The second flight, the way back to Gimpo from Jeju, I was too tired to enjoy your company, so I slept. 
The Class of Sky (airplanes have their own class to fly over)

With you, I was able to know the freedom and fun of flight. Finally, I told my parents that I wanted to be a pilot when I grew up. My parents worried about it, and I didn’t know why. As I went to middle school, I figured out that I have bad sight, have nearsightedness, and astigmatism. So, I gave up my dream to get a CPL and work in Korean Air, and started to live a normal life; study as much as I can.

I figured out that my true dream was to flight, not teaching students in University and do research. I tried to find out the way to become a pilot. However, the reality was harsh. Sorry to you, I found out that the only way to flight is to get a PPL and fly with Propeller plane such as Cessna. Tough I can’t have a real flight with you, I’m meeting you through the flight simulator.

After graduation, I’m going to get a PPL, and have a flight with Cessna. However, it was you that enabled me to find what I want to do, and gave some hope to me not to give up my dream. Every time I see you on photo or simulator, you remind my memories and feel thankful to you.*/
But, I truly love flight. The feeling of freedom after naviagting 2km of runway and take off. The villages and cities I can see, rivers, lakes, mountains, crops, sea, the clouds below me, night scenes of airports and metropolis cities, the thrill when the craft wobbles, the sound of scratching winds with spoilers, the feeling of rocking when we land, everything I can feel during the flight is so satisfying and exciting to me. Maybe among them, the freedom I can feel when I strive through white clouds and blue sky. 

I’ve been to many cities and countries with you; Hanoi in Vietnam, Osaka and Fukuoka in Japan, Beijing and Tianjin, Kunming in China, London, Amsterdam, Rome, Vientiane in Laos, Phnom Penh in Cambodia, Jeju, Incheon, Gimpo… Every time I have a flight with you, you give me freedom and joy.

댓글 4개:

  1. This is excellent (in many places). Good creative comparisons, and nice descriptions. You use alliteration well with some good repetition. So I do think you read the criteria of the assignment and produced some poetic writing.

    I have printed this out and cleaned up the grammar, so if you produce a polished draft you will get a higher grade. Focus on improving your verb tense usage. Is it past or present? You go back and forth throughout, and lose track of it from sentence to sentence with some words. This is one of your areas to improve.

    Structurally, I don't think you need the last two paragraphs. At the very least they don't belong at the end, and would be better suited to a part of the short "my eyes don't work/give up my dream" paragraph.

    I like this topic because I share your enthusiasm for flight. For me, it's often the best part of the trip (in a weird way). I don't mind spending 12 hours on a plane. Plus the stewardesses aren't hard to look at. Good writing.

  2. It's pretty embarrassing that I've made mistakes on flight terminologies. Though I played X-plane and Flight Simulator since I was 12 years old.
    Plus, sorry for late edit.

  3. You did edit it or not? I looked and it doesn't look like it. When you do, make sure it is an entirely new post, and you don't have to put in the pictures etc. (actually I'd rather not see them in the second draft and just focus on grammar and paragraphs).

    Make sure it is labeled Second Draft: _________________

  4. I did changed my writing based on your revision. I didn't know that I had to write in new post; I just changed my original text. Sorry Mr. Garrioch.
