2012년 5월 29일 화요일

iDebate 300 words, Animal Experiment is Necessary! don't protest against it please

Whenever biologists use animals for experiment, some animal protection organizations, such as Humane Society or PETA, protests in front of National Assembly and laboratories. However, as I’m trying to major in biology, I think this kind of demo is useless, and even giving sinister effects to them. Especially the animals used in biology experiments (rather than psychology or physics) are getting more sympathy, and even some people are strongly against it. But, the animal experiment is necessary and it should be continued without any brakes by animal protecting groups.
All of them, who are protesting it, are earning benefits from the experiment. Headache pills like Tylenol, ointments, digestive medicines are made by animal experiments. Everyday life, they take those pills after heavy drinking and overeating. Everyday life they are using these ointments to their kids or themselves. Why? Aren’t they against the animal experiment? They are earning benefits every time whenever the new medicine came out from the experiment. They are actually getting benefits, so they really should not protest it.
The organizations think that the experiment is only for humans. However, the result of experiments can be adapted to both humans and animals. Therefore their insistences that ‘the animal experiment is egoism of humans’ can’t be true. Sure, we (including scientists) feel sympathy to the sacrificed animals. Sure, it is problem that some animals should be sacrificed for other animals. However, it’s for all-all the creatures. Otherwise I think that protesting to animal experiment is egoism-just caring about few animals. Those people should think about it. Which is more important: the aids for all animals and humans those are suffering from diseases or physical problems, or very very few animals those are sacrificed in laboratory? Plus, the experiment is also helpful to preserve endangered animals. Now, who are more egocentric?
Finally, there are 3Rs that can prevent abuse of animal experiments. 3R is Reduction, Refinement, and Replacement. By reduction, we can use the least number of animals for experiment. By Refinement scientists are trying their best to help animals not be suffer from pain. By Replacement, if we are able to, we find other ways that doesn’t use animals.

댓글 1개:

  1. Good start. I'm really interested in the last argument about 3 R's. This issue is very good for an essay, and it's good to see you have some prior experience thinking about it. Make sure you acknowledge why the PETA people etc. might have a distorted view of the situation. It is true that rats and monkeys have been crucial towards finding cures for diseases, but what about commercial products like shampoo?

    Watch this. It might get you in the mood to respond for your essay:

